Easy To Use AI Assistant

This is how Arana AI will easily help you with any of your AI tasks, all for free! 



Select a writing tool

Choose from a wide array of AI tools to write social media ads, hero sections, blog posts, essays, etc…



Tell us what to write about

Explain with as many details as possible to the AI what you would like to write about.



Generate quality content

Our highly trained AI understands your details and generate unique and human-like content in seconds.

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Signup and create an account: To use AranaAI’s tools, you will need to create a free account by visiting the AranaAI website and clicking on the “Sign Up” button. Follow the prompts to enter your email address, create a password, and set up your account.

  2. Choose a tool: AranaAI offers a range of tools, including a content creator, voiceover generator, and code generator. Choose the tool that best fits your needs and click on it to begin using it.

  3. Select a template: Once you’ve chosen your tool, you can select a template to get started. The templates are pre-designed formats that you can use to generate content quickly and easily. Depending on the tool you’re using, you may be able to choose from a variety of templates, such as ads, posts, blogs, voiceovers, or codes.

  4. Customize the template: After selecting a template, you can customize it to meet your needs. This may involve adding your own text, choosing a tone or style, or modifying the layout. Depending on the tool you’re using, you may also be able to add images, videos, or other media to your content.

  5. Review and edit: Once you’ve customized the template to your liking, the AI-powered tool will generate a draft for you to review and edit. You can make changes to the draft as needed, adding or deleting text, tweaking the tone or style, and so on.

  6. Finalize your content: Once you’re happy with your draft, you can finalize your content by reviewing it one last time and making any final edits. Then, you can export your content as a text file, copy and paste it into a document, or publish it directly to your website.

  7. Free and premium plans: If you are using a free account, you have a 10,000-word credit to use, which means you can generate up to 10,000 words of content per month for free. If you need more than 10,000 words per month, you can upgrade to a premium plan, which offers unlimited word generation. Premium plans also come with additional features and benefits, such as priority support, access to more templates, and more.

  8. Monitor and improve: After using AranaAI’s tools to create content, you can monitor its performance and use analytics tools to track its impact. You can also use feedback from your audience to improve your content and refine your approach over time.

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